Basic description
The Productivity Analysis report displays a breakdown of indicators per full time employee such as income and expense indicators. The efficiency ratio can be analysed in line with each of the other ratios which tell the stories within the efficiency ratio helping to highlight the contributing factors to whether the efficiency ratio is up or down.
An analysis of employee productivity with comparisons for:
• Monthly (for the last 3 month ends)
• Year ago (the same month a year ago)
• Year-to-Date v Year-to-Date for the same month last year
• Annual Trend Line
A list of Ratios used to determine these factors are:-
• Efficiency Ratio
• Members per Full-Time Employees(FTE)
• Salary & Benefits per Full-Time Employees (FTE)
• Members per Potential Members
You can select:-
- Quarter end Date
- State
- Credit Union
- Peer Group
- Regions
- Asset Ranges
- All Credit Unions - Trend Line - Options are 1, 2 and 3 Year Trends
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