Loan and deposit data needs to be mapped using Product Mapping to configure the Banking Performance application or to add new loan and deposit products to the reports in Banking Performance.
There are 9 fields in Banking Performance and their uses are as follows:
SGL_Company_Code - Internal reference field and always BNK
SGL_Product_Code - This is the Product Code from the source file (appended with '-D' or '-C'). BankBI processing appends a '-D' or '-C' to the product code depending if the account balance in the source file has a postive (-C) or negative (-D) balance. This enables a Product Code to be mapped differently if required eg. a Checking account in debit can be mapped to Loans(Overdraft) or if in credit mapped as a Deposit.
SGL_Record_Type - Mapping in Banking Performance. Product codes mapped to ‘LOAN’ will be included on the Loan BP dashboards, ‘DEPOSIT’ on the Deposit BP dashboards. ‘ACCOUNT’ (or anything else) will be excluded from the Banking Performance dashboards. LOAN/DEPOSIT in this field indicates that the Product Code is present in the Banking Performance file(s) loaded to BankBI and requires updating with it's correct mapping.
SGL_Bank_Code_Key - Balance Sheet GL Code. The GL code where the Loan or Deposit balance is held. This is used for the Reconciliation report (found on the Financial Performance Menu).
SGL_Balance_Factor - Internal field for signage control of the amounts.
SGL_Description - Product Description. The Product Description you would like to see on the Banking Performance Dashboards
SGL_Group_01 - Product Group. The Product Group you would like the Product to be included in on the Banking Performance Dashboards
SGL_Group_02 - Product Class. The Product Class you would like the Product to be included in on the Banking Performance Dashboards
SGL_Group_03 - For info- not used on dashboards.
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